Diablo2 디아블로/슈퍼유니크몬스터

디아블로 Nihlathak / 니라트하크, 나락

~♪ 2016. 8. 19. 14:17


As the last surviving clan elder, he has been driven close to madness by his grief over the imminent failure of his clan to protect the Worldstone. Constantly ruminating on the myriad alternate courses the elders could have taken, he lives with the guilt of not dying with his peers.

Tips and Other Additional Information
Nihlathak's Corpse Explosion is the main reason he is feared among Hardcore players. When you kill one of his summoned Minions, make sure you use a skill that utilizes the corpse before Nihlathak can explode it such as the Paladin's Redemption, Barbarian's Find Potion, or Necromancer's Revive. Equipping Items with the "Slain Monsters Rest in Peace" modifier such as the Nature's Peace Ring has the same effect. In Normal and Nightmare you can also use freezing attacks to shatter the minions so they don't leave corpses. High Fire Resistance and Physical Damage Reduction/Block Rate will help against his Corpse Explosion.

Nihlathak uses the following Skills: Summon Minion, Minion Frenzy, Corpse Explosion, Arctic Blast, Teleport. 


드디어 나왔다. 디아블로 희대의 개자식 앵벌유저들의 적! 니라트하크다.

편하게 나락이라고도 많이 부름.

디아블로2에서 등장하는 모든 몬스터를 통들어서 니라트하크가 제일 싫다.

이유는 이놈이 네크로멘서라서 시폭(Corpse Explosion)을 쓰는데

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출처 : http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/monsters/act5-nihlathak.shtml